About Us

ROSHAN PUBLICITY, one of the outdoor advertising agencies in India , specializes in assisting businesses of all sizes in varied domains find the best media opportunities available to react your target audience without the long drawn out process that this would normally entail. In a very short span of time, we have built a reputation for continual innovation and development in the traditional advertising and outdoor advertising arena.

ROSHAN PUBLICITY exclusively works for outdoor industry 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week & 365 days a year which generates repeated exposure to our potential customers and also by providing value additions accordingly.

Outdoor unlike many forms of media, allows advertisers to reach a truly mass audience. There is no turning the dial, flipping the channel or clicking the ad away. In addition, the eye level positioning of shelter advertising makes it the ultimate for high impact campaigns!


Why choose us


We are out of home advertising experts available to you at all times so you are able to tap into our expertise, same time, effort and money while handling your requirements for out of home advertising. Working with us for your outdoor advertisng needs you are assured of the asset quality, audience connections and resources that today’s marketears require. We have the right kind of resources and experience to ensure seamless execution of your campaigns.

Outdoor advertising industry in India is growing significantly today from conventional to the most contemporary tools, technologies and techniques.

WIDESPREAD REACH - outdoor advertising provides broad coverage and targeted market reach. It is the most visible media exposed to everyone who goes outside of the home to work, shop, play.

VISUAL SPREAD - the continuous presence of outdoor advertising produces a vast visual spread unmatched by any other medium, for example billboard advertising.

SPECIFIC TARGETING - not only can you reach mass audiences with outdoor advertising but it also allows for targeting specific communicaties, ethnic groups ages, income e levels etc.

REPEATED EXPOSURE - seven days a week, 24 hours a day, 30 days a month, outdoor generates repeated exposure, delivering you a message over and over again.

ITS FLEXIBLE - outdoor advertising can be placed in locations reaching everyone transiting through your specific market area. You can pinpoint your prime target audience exactly.

POWERFUL IMPACT - outdoor is big, bold, colourful. It is always there and always visible.

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